After collecting feedback from various sources, I made the following edits to improve upon my original design. I enhanced readability and visual appeal by increasing the font size and adjusting key text elements like 'over the,' ensuring better accessibility for all viewers. By changing the font to a larger, more readable style and adjusting the color scheme for improved contrast, I made the text stand out against the background, crucial for those with visual impairments. Additionally, I visually enhanced certain elements, such as enlarging the cow head icon and improving typography consistency by adjusting letter spacing. Lastly, I introduced a new seasonal flavor, orange creamsicle, adding variety and a personal touch that engages the audience and encourages sustained interest in the project.
I ran into a problem while trying to mock up the creamsicle and chocolate flavors of the milk. Even though my logo documents had the fill set to white, when applied to the mockup, the inside of the text and the cow became transparent. I added the logos and labels I created for the creamsicle and chocolate flavors below so that you can see how I intended for them to look.

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